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Prodotti all'ingrosso di Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Prodotti all'ingrosso di Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Prodotti all'ingrosso di Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Prodotti all'ingrosso di Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Acquista i prodotti di Hamane Moroccan Beauty e di altri brand indipendenti sul marketplace Faire.

Acquista i prodotti di Hamane Moroccan Beauty e di altri brand indipendenti sul marketplace Faire.

Acquista i prodotti di Hamane Moroccan Beauty e di altri brand indipendenti sul marketplace Faire.

Acquista i prodotti di Hamane Moroccan Beauty e di altri brand indipendenti sul marketplace Faire.

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Informazioni su Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Informazioni su Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Informazioni su Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Informazioni su Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Informazioni su Hamane Moroccan Beauty

Hamane Beauty was born in February 2024 from the desire of the sisters and founders, Hanane and Amal, to celebrate Moroccan cosmetic tradition and spread the practice of beauty rituals that are as effective and valid as they are unknown in the Western world. Hamane Beauty is a universe of products and experiences with the aim of bringing self-care to the center of people's lives and with the ambition of creating a strong community. The brand name is a fusion of the names of the founding sisters: Hanane (in Arabic means love and affection) and Amal (hope). In our long search for production and logistics partners for Hamane, sustainability was an essential discriminant of our choices. All our products have a traceable and sustainable supply chain . Our products are supplied and produced in Morocco by partners certified with Cosmetics Good Manufacturer Practices (GMP) AENOR ISO 2022/006, Quality Management System AENOR ISO 9001:2015, National Organic Program (USDA organic regulations, ECOCERT SAS). All our products are Cruelty Free and of natural origin (as per labels). Our packaging according to needs is partly recycled, 100% recyclable and 100% made in Italy. Packaging suppliers use renewable energy sources with ISO 14001:2015 certified and in 2023 they were recognised for the second year in a row with the Ecovadis Sustainability Rating award.


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