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Produits Ina de saint andeol en vente B2B

Produits Ina de saint andeol en vente B2B

Achetez les articles proposés par Ina de saint andeol et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.

Achetez les articles proposés par Ina de saint andeol et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.

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I DIDN'T REALISE I WAS AN ARTIST.. My sister was the artist. 20 years of experiences, travels, and a journey in the discovery of ART. I grew up, surrounded by my ancestors paintings, my father being the last count of the long line of chivalry from Malmazet de Saint Andéol which dates back to 1349. France became too narrow for me, so I decided, at the age of 19, to go to England, to discover new experiences. Something luminous happened: I realized that art was not just painting, but design was a form of art too. So I enrolled at the London University for the training of interior design. I loved it ! And I passed brilliantly. My first passion was born: interior design. Although, my need for fulfilment was not completely satisfied. With England, I had tasted a great independence and I still wanted more! So the journey continued: direction Canada. In total, I visited 𝟑𝟓 countries with a 10-year extended stay in China. My international experiences then opened the doors of big luxury brands who came to me. I made very beautiful interior design projects for 𝐕𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐧, Dom 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐧, 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞, 𝐀𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐬 ... my work was so focused around the 𝐚𝐫𝐭 that these brands later wanted me to paint for them. What a great proof of confidence! I left the framework of interior design to fully immerse myself in artistic creation. My world had changed. Today, I draw, I paint, I sculpt, I bring life to the decor of houses with my frescos, cushions, table sets, trays...


« Ne pas utiliser Faire, c'est passer à côté d'une excellente opportunité. Lancez-vous dès aujourd'hui et découvrez une entreprise professionnelle qui aide les commerçants à acheter des produits de qualité auprès de fabricants et d'artisans indépendants. »

Cindy Davenport, propriétaire de Floral Studio & Gift Designs by Cinport en Floride, États-Unis

« Ne pas utiliser Faire, c'est passer à côté d'une excellente opportunité.
Lancez-vous dès aujourd'hui et découvrez une entreprise
professionnelle qui aide les commerçants à acheter des produits de qualité
auprès de fabricants et d'artisans indépendants. »

Cindy Davenport, propriétaire de Floral Studio & Gift Designs by Cinport en Floride, États-Unis

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