Produits Vanida Dang en vente B2B
Produits Vanida Dang en vente B2B
Produits Vanida Dang en vente B2B
Produits Vanida Dang en vente B2B
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Achetez les articles proposés par Vanida Dang et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.
Achetez les articles proposés par Vanida Dang et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.
Achetez les articles proposés par Vanida Dang et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.
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À propos de la marque Vanida Dang
À propos de la marque Vanida Dang
À propos de la marque Vanida Dang
À propos de la marque Vanida Dang
Avant-garde VANIDA DANG for “advanced guard,” "Avant Garde"originally used to denote the vanguard of an army and first applied to art in France in the early 19th century Marked by a spirit of experimentation, it features unconventional cuts, innovative materials, and striking textures. It serves as a medium for artistic statements and prognostications, mirroring societal trends while forecasting future ones. In reference to art, the term means any movement, or artwork that breaks with precedent and is regarded as innovative and boundaries-pushing. Black code, technical wear, unisex, militay, splices and patchwork, cut out, practical wear, asymetric, juxtaposition = layering, LA DEGAINE is VANIDA DANG DNA Vanida Dang is passionate about art ( Pop Art with Wesselmann, Lichtenstein Rauschenberg, Hockney...), and music ( Electro and Glam rock period) from where she draws her inspiration. Her vision : to give strength to people so that you feel free and unique with strong and iconic pieces VANIDA DANG collection is UNISEX TRANSGENDER. Our iconic pieces are BLAZERS ensemble, outwear, UNISEX TECH and TACTICAL wear urban sport Futurist We also take our inspiration from Vintage Melancholia/Mix Glam chic with a twist using modern and trendy material and colors. The patterns are from the Art Deco period with repetitive patterns and geometry. The material are using silk, coton, or embroideries, Jacquard and python or geometric motives, sequins, foiled and iridiscent / gold fabrics.
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