Produits Bacanha en vente B2B
Produits Bacanha en vente B2B
Produits Bacanha en vente B2B
Produits Bacanha en vente B2B
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Achetez les articles proposés par Bacanha et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.
Achetez les articles proposés par Bacanha et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.
Achetez les articles proposés par Bacanha et d'autres marques indépendantes sur la plateforme B2B Faire.
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À propos de la marque Bacanha
À propos de la marque Bacanha
À propos de la marque Bacanha
À propos de la marque Bacanha
Founded in 2013, Bacanha is a label specializing in the creation and manufacture of quality organic syrups. Formed by a passionate and creative team, we have acquired a know-how to offer unique drinks that are developed in Paris and made in the Paris region. There is often a lot of research and development behind a simple recipe. This is the case with the recipes of each Bacanha raw syrup which always results from a long process to find the perfect taste and unique aromas. The basis of the raw syrup is a certified organic pure cane sugar from South America. Then, an infusion work can be done, in other cases we add fruit juices, natural extracts or even essential oils. This work of creation and subtle assembly aims, once the syrup has been diluted, to deliver the most authentic and natural taste possible. The common point between all our flavors is the quest for the ideal balance between pH and brix, ie acidity and sugar level. Most of the raw syrups have a pH of less than 4.5 and a brix around 60 °, the perfect combination for an exceptional taste. In addition, a low temperature heat treatment is applied to our syrups in order to preserve all the organoleptic qualities of our recipes. The majority of raw syrups are certified organic and designed for reasonable everyday use. They will be perfect mixed with your hot drink in the morning, your glass of water during the day, or prepared as cocktails at aperitif time ... Bacanha USA & CA shop :
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Inscrivez-vous pour bénéficier des prix revendeurs sur la marque Bacanha et des milliers d'autres sur Faire, la plateforme dédiée aux commerçants.
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