Fertile Ground, Fertilizer and Soil Rebuilder Pellets, Bulk
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MSRP $129.23
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About this product
Fertile Ground is a slow-release organic 3-3-3 NPK fertilizer and soil rebuilder that feeds for six+ weeks. Perfect for containers and raised beds. Fertile Ground pellets take the guesswork out of organic gardening. Product comes in easy-to-apply low-odor pellets that contain everything needed for healthy soil and thriving plants. Pellets contain three of the most nutrient and microbe-rich manures available: rabbit, chicken, and worm castings. Pellets can be applied by hand, spreader, or diluted to make a quicker release fertilizer tea. Product restores soil through aeration and enhances water holding capacity and microbial activity. Fertile Ground's potent soil building benefits, minimizes the need to replace soil, and creates the perfect ecosystem for plants to thrive.
Product details
• Made in United States • Product Language: English • Weight: 11.34 kg (25 lb) • SKU: FG BULK 25LB
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