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Segle Clinical wholesale products

Segle Clinical wholesale products

Segle Clinical wholesale products

Segle Clinical wholesale products

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Shop Segle Clinical and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About Segle Clinical

About Segle Clinical

About Segle Clinical

About Segle Clinical

About Segle Clinical

I have always been fascinated by the power of nature, the medicinal properties of plants and how to make remedies with them. That's why I studied pharmacy, and I specialized in Galenics, which is the art of transforming pure ingredients into products that work and solve needs. After years working in companies in the cosmetics industry and also as the owner of a pharmacy with special dedication to dermatology products, with all the accumulated knowledge, I decided to formulate my own cosmetics. And it was in biotechnology that I found inspiration and answers to all my concerns. Nature teaches us, we learn from it and it is our job to transform it into products with real, proven effectiveness, that work and that meet the needs of each skin. A cosmetic that offers results, sustainable and transparent about each of its ingredients and their exact concentrations. This is my personal commitment. And Segle Clinical is our answer. Monica Lizondo, founder of Segle Clinical.

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