Author Dougie Coop, or better known under his award-winning literary fiction and thriller pen name Doug Cooper, is the author of the literary novels Outside In, The Investment Club, Focus Lost, and the breakout children's book, The Snail & the Butterfly. Always searching, he has traveled to over twenty-five countries on five continents, exploring the contradictions between what we believe and how we act in the pursuit of truth, beauty, and love. He creates his books and other products to share his story and encourage others to tell theirs, believing identity emerges with the courage to let go.
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Author Dougie Coop, or better known under his award-winning literary fiction and thriller pen name Doug Cooper, is the author of the literary novels Outside In, The Investment Club, Focus Lost, and the breakout children's book, The Snail & the Butterfly. Always searching, he has traveled to over twenty-five countries on five continents, exploring the contradictions between what we believe and how we act in the pursuit of truth, beauty, and love. He creates his books and other products to share his story and encourage others to tell theirs, believing identity emerges with the courage to let go.