We're AALLYN, an LA-based small-batch designer known for our viral line of leather handbags. Our bags have even been featured in VOGUE magazine! We love that our customers often come back for 2-3 more styles after their first purchase, which is ultimately what inspired us to expand into wholesale. We pride ourselves on offering great quality at reasonable prices, making sure everyone gets that luxury experience. Our bags come beautifully wrapped in individual AALLYN dust bags, just for that extra touch. We're new to wholesale and super excited to share our full catalog here on Faire. We're looking for boutiques that want to partner with us long-term. Thanks for checking out our shop, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions! With kindness, Allyn Founder, AALLYN
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©2024 Faire Wholesale, Inc.
English (US)
We're AALLYN, an LA-based small-batch designer known for our viral line of leather handbags. Our bags have even been featured in VOGUE magazine! We love that our customers often come back for 2-3 more styles after their first purchase, which is ultimately what inspired us to expand into wholesale. We pride ourselves on offering great quality at reasonable prices, making sure everyone gets that luxury experience. Our bags come beautifully wrapped in individual AALLYN dust bags, just for that extra touch. We're new to wholesale and super excited to share our full catalog here on Faire. We're looking for boutiques that want to partner with us long-term. Thanks for checking out our shop, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions! With kindness, Allyn Founder, AALLYN