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Tru Pickles wholesale products

Tru Pickles wholesale products

Tru Pickles wholesale products

Tru Pickles wholesale products

Shop Tru Pickles and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop Tru Pickles and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop Tru Pickles and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About Tru Pickles

About Tru Pickles

About Tru Pickles

About Tru Pickles

About Tru Pickles

In the 1900s, many immigrants from all parts of the world came to the United States and brought family recipes to use in the New Country. Greg Skufca’s great grandmothers were no different. One brought with her the recipe for bootleg liquor and built a still in her kitchen. (That’s another story). The other great grandmother brought all her canning knowledge with her. Most recipes were not written down and were passed on to the next generation by hands on example... from Greg’s grandmother, to his father and ultimately to himself. One big difference was that Greg wrote down the recipes, amount of ingredients and the process. Greg would grow all his own produce and can what he could for his friends and family and there was one item that always stood out...the pickles. After 25 years in the business world, Greg needed something more to do. He decided he wanted more people to taste his pickles.


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“If you aren’t using Faire, you’re missing a great
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