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Produtos B2B da Yako&Co

Produtos B2B da Yako&Co

Produtos B2B da Yako&Co

Produtos B2B da Yako&Co

Compre na Yako&Co e em outras marcas independentes no marketplace B2B da Faire.

Compre na Yako&Co e em outras marcas independentes no marketplace B2B da Faire.

Compre na Yako&Co e em outras marcas independentes no marketplace B2B da Faire.

Compre na Yako&Co e em outras marcas independentes no marketplace B2B da Faire.

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Sobre a Yako&Co

Sobre a Yako&Co

Sobre a Yako&Co

Sobre a Yako&Co

Sobre a Yako&Co

Sustainable Things Crafted for a Lifetime. Leather and Vegan Aprons Handmade in Portugal. the Yakoholic is someone to whom the time spent with family and friends is the key for a meaningful life. we believe that life makes more sense with these connections and happy moments. this is the reason Yako&Co exists. be Yakoholic! "I came from an era that things were made to last. They were nicely built, with attention to details. Some may say, our grandpa's times! With that thought in mind, the first Yako&Co leather apron was born. It made me travel in time, back to the valuable moments spent with family and friends. Connecting to the things that feed our soul. Driven by the need to do more than devote all my time to working in the industry, I turned this apron experience into a business. More than that – a lifestyle. From that moment on, Yako&Co was no longer just an old leather apron. It became a nice collection of genuine premium leather, vegan leather, and fabric aprons, as well as other related products. All of them with the same dedication and purpose of the very first one. Adapted to today's needs, they are functional, beautiful and built with quality to last long. While wearing a Yako&Co you will be protected and comfortable but at the same time, in style." What is your art?


"Se não está a usar a Faire, está a perder uma grande oportunidade. Comece hoje e lide com uma empresa muito profissional , ajudando todos os comerciantes a comprar produtos de qualidade de fabricantes e artesãos independentes."

Cindy Davenport, proprietária da Floral Studio & Gift Designs by Cinport na Flórida, EUA

"Se não está a usar a Faire, está a perder uma grande
oportunidade. Comece hoje e lide com uma empresa muito profissional
, ajudando todos os comerciantes a comprar produtos de qualidade
de fabricantes e artesãos independentes."

Cindy Davenport, proprietária da Floral Studio & Gift Designs by Cinport na Flórida, EUA

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