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SKU Daisy fleabane-Nhat
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About this product
Erigeron annuus (formerly Aster annuus), the annual fleabane, daisy fleabane, or eastern daisy fleabane. Erigeron annuus often grows as an annual but can sometimes grow as a biennial. It is herbaceous with alternate, simple leaves, and green, sparsely hairy stems, which can grow to between 30 and 150 centimeters (about 1 to 5 feet) in height. Leaves are numerous and large relative to other species of Erigeron, with lower leaves, especially basal leaves, coarsely toothed or cleft, a characteristic readily distinguishing this species from most other Erigeron. Upper leaves are sometimes (not always) toothed, but may have a few coarse teeth towards the outer tips. The flower heads are white with yellow centers, with rays that are white to pale lavender, borne spring through fall depending on the individual plant.Ray florets number 40 to 100. annual fleabane seeds, White Fleabane Daisy Seeds Erigeron strigosus Flower Seeds Non-GMO Wildflower Seed for planting
Product details
• Made in United States • Weight: 10 g (0.35 oz) • SKU: Daisy fleabane-Nhat