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Basic Bars Soap LLC wholesale products

Basic Bars Soap LLC wholesale products

Basic Bars Soap LLC wholesale products

Basic Bars Soap LLC wholesale products

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Shop Basic Bars Soap LLC and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About Basic Bars Soap LLC

About Basic Bars Soap LLC

About Basic Bars Soap LLC

About Basic Bars Soap LLC

About Basic Bars Soap LLC

The compassionate founders of Basic Bars Soaps LLC believe that something as small as a bar of soap can be a life changing and meaningful way to bring peace, love and joy to the world, in a time when we very much need it. Dorrie, CEO of BBS LLC, has been personally invested in finding ingredients which would help heal her sensitized hands, which had been suffering from using chemicals as a hairdresser. Working with a naturopath, Dorrie was able to discover that SLS (or sodium laurel sulfate) was a major irritant for her sensitized skin and realized it was an inexpensive ingredient that was commonly used in the majority of home products- from your bar soaps, to your toothpaste! Simple, pure, organic, ethical— these were the standards she employed to make soap that truly cleaned, didn’t dry out the skin- and was a joy to use! The chemistry and ingredients were fascinating to Dorrie & Adam (original founders), and they began playing with saponified oils and healing ingredients to tend to Dorrie’s skin concerns. This new-found passion project left them with more soap than the pair could personally use so they started to bless their friends and family by gifting soap to them. Fast forward to today and Basic Bars Soap LLC has propelled forward from their humble grass roots beginnings to serving the needs of the eco conscious, and sensitive skinned community with organic, vegan, and sustainably/ responsibly sourced small batch / handcrafted soaps since 2017!

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Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on Basic Bars Soap LLC and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.

Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on Basic Bars Soap LLC and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.

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"We’re stocked in some of the best shops and art institutions in the world thanks to Faire, and use it to source products for our two shops in South East London too. Some of our strongest brand and supplier relationships have come through Faire."

Jana Starcevic, co-founder of The Completist in London, UK

"We’re stocked in some of the best shops and art institutions in the world thanks to Faire, and use it to source products for our two shops in South East London too. Some of our strongest brand and supplier relationships have come through Faire."

Jana Starcevic, co-founder of The Completist in London, UK

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