We believe that pets deserve the healthiest treats possible, and that means no fillers, no additives, no artificial anything. Just pure, high quality protein that’s freeze-dried to lock in the nutrients and flavor. Our treats are made with only one ingredient: meat. Whether it’s beef liver, pasture-raised buffalo green tripe or fresh minnows, you can be sure that your pet is getting the real deal. No grains, no gluten, no soy, no dairy. Just meat. Howl & Meow is more than just a pet treat company. It’s a way of showing our pets how much we care about them. By giving them freeze-dried treats that are simple and packed with nutrients, we’re giving them the best gift ever: a happy and healthy life.
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©2025 Faire Wholesale, Inc.
We believe that pets deserve the healthiest treats possible, and that means no fillers, no additives, no artificial anything. Just pure, high quality protein that’s freeze-dried to lock in the nutrients and flavor. Our treats are made with only one ingredient: meat. Whether it’s beef liver, pasture-raised buffalo green tripe or fresh minnows, you can be sure that your pet is getting the real deal. No grains, no gluten, no soy, no dairy. Just meat. Howl & Meow is more than just a pet treat company. It’s a way of showing our pets how much we care about them. By giving them freeze-dried treats that are simple and packed with nutrients, we’re giving them the best gift ever: a happy and healthy life.