Our story begins in 2010 when a group of college students in Springfield, Missouri decided to found a company dedicated to the principle of offering quality products that help make the world a better place. We started with Global Tees, a custom screenprinting business. The countless sleepless nights printing shirts provided the foundation for us to create Five Pound Apparel. Both our house brand and retail offerings remain firmly committed to our core principles. The name, Five Pound Apparel, comes from the fact that for each of our branded items sold we will donate 5 pounds of food to Ozarks Food Harvest. Ozarks Food Harvest is the Feeding America food bank for southwest Missouri, serving more than 200 hunger-relief organizations across 28 Ozarks counties. The Food Bank reaches nearly 30,000 individuals weekly and distributes more than 16 million pounds of food annually. We use Alternative Apparel for the vast majority of our shirts, a company with a strong commitment to socially responsible production.
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Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on 5 Pound Apparel and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.
Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on 5 Pound Apparel and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.
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Our story begins in 2010 when a group of college students in Springfield, Missouri decided to found a company dedicated to the principle of offering quality products that help make the world a better place. We started with Global Tees, a custom screenprinting business. The countless sleepless nights printing shirts provided the foundation for us to create Five Pound Apparel. Both our house brand and retail offerings remain firmly committed to our core principles. The name, Five Pound Apparel, comes from the fact that for each of our branded items sold we will donate 5 pounds of food to Ozarks Food Harvest. Ozarks Food Harvest is the Feeding America food bank for southwest Missouri, serving more than 200 hunger-relief organizations across 28 Ozarks counties. The Food Bank reaches nearly 30,000 individuals weekly and distributes more than 16 million pounds of food annually. We use Alternative Apparel for the vast majority of our shirts, a company with a strong commitment to socially responsible production.