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The Design Department b.v. wholesale products

The Design Department b.v. wholesale products

The Design Department b.v. wholesale products

The Design Department b.v. wholesale products

Shop The Design Department b.v. and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop The Design Department b.v. and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop The Design Department b.v. and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop The Design Department b.v. and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About The Design Department b.v.

About The Design Department b.v.

About The Design Department b.v.

About The Design Department b.v.

About The Design Department b.v.

Design, marketing, production, distribution… D.Dept. covers it all! The Design Department (D.DEPT) is known for its wallpaper brands Origin - luxury wallcoverings and ESTAhome. Origin - luxury wallcoverings Superior Dutch design Over the years, Origin® has established itself as a leading brand in the field of high-end, luxury wall coverings for both residential and contract environments. The distinctive Origin® look; luxurious, rich and warm, has been the basis for the successful collections. All Origin® products are designed by our Dutch design tea - Make yourself at home! The easy way to match trendy products is the brand for families who want their homes to be trendy but also warm and cozy. You recognize the ESTA feeling (trendy, warm, colourful and cosy) immediately. All the products are designed by our own designers and stylists in the Netherlands. Dutch design is very popular also outside the Netherlands. You can find in stores in Paris, London, Milan, Tokyo and many other cities. With products you can rest assured that your interior will have a trendy look of the latest fashion.

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Explore the full wholesale catalogue

Explore the full wholesale catalogue

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Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on The Design Department b.v. and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.

Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on The Design Department b.v. and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.

Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on The Design Department b.v. and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.
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