We Three Girls (WTG) was created by Liz, her daughter, Eva, and her mother, Audrey, in Liz's home kitchen in 2018. The company was born from a shared enthusiasm for healthy snacking, arrived at through the girls' three individual paths. For Liz, it was becoming very intentional about everything she ate after recovering from several cancers. Challenged to find nutritious small-bites, Liz sought to create her own on-the-go snacks. Eva, a constant grazer, wanted to maintain her snacky lifestyle, but in a healthy way. Audrey, inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit she saw in her family, joined the girls, creating a 3 generation team. Today the girls work with a team of folks to deliver their premium granola to markets around Atlanta and beyond. WTG granolas are vegan, naturally gluten free, with only a touch of sweetness. Fresh, simple, and small batch, it's mother, daughter and grandmother approved!
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We Three Girls (WTG) was created by Liz, her daughter, Eva, and her mother, Audrey, in Liz's home kitchen in 2018. The company was born from a shared enthusiasm for healthy snacking, arrived at through the girls' three individual paths. For Liz, it was becoming very intentional about everything she ate after recovering from several cancers. Challenged to find nutritious small-bites, Liz sought to create her own on-the-go snacks. Eva, a constant grazer, wanted to maintain her snacky lifestyle, but in a healthy way. Audrey, inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit she saw in her family, joined the girls, creating a 3 generation team. Today the girls work with a team of folks to deliver their premium granola to markets around Atlanta and beyond. WTG granolas are vegan, naturally gluten free, with only a touch of sweetness. Fresh, simple, and small batch, it's mother, daughter and grandmother approved!