Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Sherwood, Oregon, a married couple named Dave and Mara decided to embark on a new adventure. They both shared a love for all things geeky and handmade, and with that, Freckled Lion Workshop was born in the year 2020. Dave and Mara worked tirelessly to create unique and personalized engraved items that would appeal to fellow geeks and lovers of handmade items. Their workshop quickly became known for its high-quality products and attention to detail. From engraved literary maps to geeky coasters, Freckled Lion Workshop has items spanning many fandoms.
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©2024 Faire Wholesale, Inc.
Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Sherwood, Oregon, a married couple named Dave and Mara decided to embark on a new adventure. They both shared a love for all things geeky and handmade, and with that, Freckled Lion Workshop was born in the year 2020. Dave and Mara worked tirelessly to create unique and personalized engraved items that would appeal to fellow geeks and lovers of handmade items. Their workshop quickly became known for its high-quality products and attention to detail. From engraved literary maps to geeky coasters, Freckled Lion Workshop has items spanning many fandoms.