Eddie's Amazing Adventure is a Children's Book and TV series created by Mother and Reading Specialist Sue Grandi and her Harpist and TV host daughter Merry Miller. and Illustrated by award winning Ben Dunn. The series was 10 years in the making but during the 2020 shutdown, we lost 3 family members and decided to honor them and finally make it happen! The series features an adorable boy named Eddie, his dog Dutch and his friends when they find something magical then enjoy the adventure a day may hold when you open your mind and imagination! Written in rhymes that children love, each book is Hard Cover 10" by10" high quality glossy paper. TItles include Chocolate Sneakers, Bubble Gum Balloons, Cotton Candy Clouds, Candy Corn, Merry Kidsmas, Camp Sonshine, Popcorn Trees to name a few... $8.00 wholesale makes it a no brainer!
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Eddie's Amazing Adventure is a Children's Book and TV series created by Mother and Reading Specialist Sue Grandi and her Harpist and TV host daughter Merry Miller. and Illustrated by award winning Ben Dunn. The series was 10 years in the making but during the 2020 shutdown, we lost 3 family members and decided to honor them and finally make it happen! The series features an adorable boy named Eddie, his dog Dutch and his friends when they find something magical then enjoy the adventure a day may hold when you open your mind and imagination! Written in rhymes that children love, each book is Hard Cover 10" by10" high quality glossy paper. TItles include Chocolate Sneakers, Bubble Gum Balloons, Cotton Candy Clouds, Candy Corn, Merry Kidsmas, Camp Sonshine, Popcorn Trees to name a few... $8.00 wholesale makes it a no brainer!