"evil llama and friends" is a quirky and witty stationery and gift-goods company, based in Toronto, Canada. made of a group of snarky cartoon animals, each with a backstory of their own, our mandate is to show that it is ok to not be ok all the time. life throws us curveballs, so why not throw them right back. if you are looking for something cute, with an edge, you’ve come to the right place! an Iranian-American-Canadian painting graduate of OCAD University, i was an art gallery director for the past decade. when the global pandemic flipped my life upside down, i wanted to turn the constant anxiety and uncertainty into something productive and humorous. so i went back to my passion of drawing, and thus, evil llama and friends was born. each design begins as a hand-drawn image that is then scanned and digitally finessed. my inspirations come from observing absurd animal behaviour through my travels to the wildest, most remote places on earth. thank you for stopping by! if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. we are 100% evil | 100% hand-drawn
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Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on Evil Llama and Friends and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.
Sign up to unlock wholesale pricing on Evil Llama and Friends and thousands of brands on Faire, the marketplace for retailers.
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"evil llama and friends" is a quirky and witty stationery and gift-goods company, based in Toronto, Canada. made of a group of snarky cartoon animals, each with a backstory of their own, our mandate is to show that it is ok to not be ok all the time. life throws us curveballs, so why not throw them right back. if you are looking for something cute, with an edge, you’ve come to the right place! an Iranian-American-Canadian painting graduate of OCAD University, i was an art gallery director for the past decade. when the global pandemic flipped my life upside down, i wanted to turn the constant anxiety and uncertainty into something productive and humorous. so i went back to my passion of drawing, and thus, evil llama and friends was born. each design begins as a hand-drawn image that is then scanned and digitally finessed. my inspirations come from observing absurd animal behaviour through my travels to the wildest, most remote places on earth. thank you for stopping by! if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. we are 100% evil | 100% hand-drawn