MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients wholesale products
MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients wholesale products
MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients wholesale products
MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients wholesale products
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About MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients
About MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients
About MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients
About MYLK Divine Skin Nutrients
This is a story about about a mother's desire to attain CLEAN, ORGANIC, HEALTHY PRODUCTS with Authenticity & Integrity. When Lori's son was born, she had a difficult time finding products she would feel comfortable using on her newborn. Creams contain water which therefore need preservatives - something she wasn't willing to put on her newborn's delicate & sensitive skin knowing it only takes 27 seconds for toxins to enter into the blood stream via the skin. She started digging further into ingredients on popular baby skincare products & found is that the majority of products deemed "safe" for sale actually include toxic ingredients, most of which can cause cancer when used consistently & regularly! So the solution was to make her own products, ones that she would feel luxurious using herself. MYLK was then born – a luxury skincare brand of products which contain nutrients for all skin types, especially those which are sensitive & irritated. Lori uses organic herbs, oils, minerals & probiotics in MYLK products to transform skincare into skin nutrients. MYLK is formulated to provide a mother's body with the healing elements she needs postpartum as well as the nourishment & soothing factors a newborn requires in the early days of life & beyond. Focus has been lost on the importance of simplicity. Skincare has deviated away from the healing powers organic herbs, oils & minerals bestow. MYLK honours these powers & brings mother nature back to into luxury skincare.
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