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Heartprint Press wholesale products

Heartprint Press wholesale products

Heartprint Press wholesale products

Heartprint Press wholesale products

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About Heartprint Press

About Heartprint Press

About Heartprint Press

About Heartprint Press

About Heartprint Press

Created by soul sisters Nikki and Ash, Heartprint Press is more than a stationery line; it's a collection of cheeky yet heartfelt reflections and musings on life through letterpress greeting cards, notecards, and vinyl stickers. Infused with humor, sarcasm, and a few well-placed f-bombs, our designs acknowledge the messy, the real, the ridiculous, and the absurd. As moms navigating the chaos of motherhood while both personally confronting autoimmune challenges, we've found solace, laughter, and resilience in creating Heartprint Press, a true testament to the healing power of humor. Inspired by what you actually think, say, and feel in your hearts, come celebrate big moments, little ones, and all the in-betweens with our unique blend of irreverent wit and sincerity -- where every design sparks a connection and every laugh leaves a heartprint.

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