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Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings wholesale products

Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings wholesale products

Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings wholesale products

Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings wholesale products

Shop Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings

About Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings

About Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings

About Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings

About Elster Photography/Big Picture Greetings

Hello, my name is Dan Elster. I’m a wildlife photographer based in Southern Oregon. I started Big Picture Greetings in 2019 while experimenting with the idea of full-size “wraparound” photo note cards. I loved the idea that my customers would be getting "a bigger picture." Those three words stuck with me and got me thinking about the bigger picture. Wild animals and wild places are in trouble all over the world and I felt I needed to do more. So a few days before the very first batch of cards went to press, almost on a whim, I added in very small letters on the back: “10% of sales will go to wildlife conservation.” The first couple of checks were small. But, as the amounts grew, I began to realize I could actually make a difference. Now I’m on a mission. Big Picture Greetings has donated money to hardworking grassroots organizations such as the American Wild Horse Campaign, Project Coyote, KS Wild, The Rattlesnake Conservancy, Badger Run Wildlife Rehab, and the Elakha Alliance. Every BPG purchase you make will grow the donations and grow the reach, allowing me to include other organizations that promote conservation. This year, I’m also making the switch to Green Manufacturing. Moving forward, all cards in our Green Line will be printed on FSC-certified, 100% recycled, 100% post-consumer waste paper using vegetable-based and algae inks. Proudly made in the USA. In order to save wild animals and save wild places, I have to start with my own products.

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