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RevealU Skincare wholesale products

RevealU Skincare wholesale products

RevealU Skincare wholesale products

RevealU Skincare wholesale products

Shop RevealU Skincare and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop RevealU Skincare and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop RevealU Skincare and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About RevealU Skincare

About RevealU Skincare

About RevealU Skincare

About RevealU Skincare

About RevealU Skincare

Our products are designed to be safe for all skin types, skin sensitives, all ages, all ethnicities and unisex. Our product lines are colorful like that of a rainbow; a beautiful phenomenon that inspires happiness, togetherness, hope and good fortune. 99% CHEMICAL FREE, ALCOHOL FREE, FRAGRANCE FREE, PARABEN FREE, OIL FREE, VEGAN & CRUELTY FREE. In 2014 RevealU Skincare CEO Lauri Smetona began the journey to discover skincare products that could protect and rejuvenate the skin. Wanting to lessen the exposure to toxins and chemicals, it became all about the base ingredient; water, since it’s essential for adequate moisturizing and optimum cellular function. Good, clean water is an important building block in every cell in the body and in RevealU’s is “Magic Water”. With six powerful elements Platinum, Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc and Magnesium, RevealU’s water is the dream team of skin care that accelerate a natural ion exchange to help hydrate, protect and rejuvenating the skin without unnatural preservatives, fragrances or chemicals.

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