Kate Arding, a celebrated cheesemonger, and Mona Talbott, a renowned chef, honed their skills in the world’s most prestigious kitchens and cheese shops before relocating to the Hudson Valley to open their eponymous shop. Inspired by the agricultural bounty of the region, this unique partnership has established Talbott & Arding as a premier culinary destination. Our house-made crackers are the result of this collaborative philosophy. Using only regionally sourced ingredients, Mona created the crackers to complement the unique flavors of cheeses selected by Kate. These intentional pairings create a harmonious and delightful taste experience. Following years of requests, we are very pleased to offer these unique crackers once again to our wholesale partners.
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Kate Arding, a celebrated cheesemonger, and Mona Talbott, a renowned chef, honed their skills in the world’s most prestigious kitchens and cheese shops before relocating to the Hudson Valley to open their eponymous shop. Inspired by the agricultural bounty of the region, this unique partnership has established Talbott & Arding as a premier culinary destination. Our house-made crackers are the result of this collaborative philosophy. Using only regionally sourced ingredients, Mona created the crackers to complement the unique flavors of cheeses selected by Kate. These intentional pairings create a harmonious and delightful taste experience. Following years of requests, we are very pleased to offer these unique crackers once again to our wholesale partners.