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How to Use Faire to View, Segment, and Email Your Targeted Customers

December 11, 2020 | Published by Faire

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We’ve been introducing exciting new features to help you manage your business with greater insight and flexibility through Faire. We’ve redesigned our Customers page to help you see all contacts at once, create your own audiences, and understand email deliverability. All Faire brands have access to the new and improved experience. 

What’s new? First, the “All Contacts” view lets you see all your customers in one place. Then, you can sort your customers based on a variety of criteria, including the source of the account, the amount they have in cart, and whether or not they’ve placed an order yet. Finally, you can save your custom lists and send targeted email campaigns to your new segments.

Read on to learn our tips for getting maximum benefit from the new customers page.

View and organize all your customers

If you need to search for a retailer or review your entire customer base, you can start with the “All Contacts” view. From there, you can start sorting your customers based on a variety of criteria that’s important to you. 

Pro tip: There are many different methods for organizing your retailers in the new customers page. Where should you begin? Here are a few strategic ways you can sort:

  • Relationship: This filter allows you to see how your relationship with a contact was formed — the options include Faire Direct, Marketplace, and Not on Faire. You may have different messaging based on how you opened an account, so this filter can be helpful.
  • Last contacted: Use this filter to see when you last sent an email to a customer using your Faire marketing tools. Sort to see retailers that haven’t been contacted in awhile so you can always stay in touch.
  • Last order delivered: This filter helps you see when retailers have received your orders. This information is useful for requesting feedback and reminding customers to reorder.
  • Amount in cart: When retailers have an open cart with your products, this filter lets you to see the value of their cart. You can plan campaigns to these customers that help them through purchasing.

Save custom lists to send targeted emails

When you’re sorting your contacts, you can save valuable customer segments as custom lists. Then, you can initiate an email campaign to the audience with the right targeted messaging. This method of creating custom audiences allows you to send quick follow-ups or develop campaigns based on specific customer criteria. For example, maybe you send an email to all the customers you’ve added who haven’t placed an order yet.

Pro tip: When you’re creating an email, you’ll see that you can enter both a subject line and a preview text line. What’s the difference? 

Your subject line is the primary text, in bold, that a customer will see in their inbox. Good subject lines should be descriptive, avoid clichĂ©s, use minimal punctuation marks, and remain under 60 characters. 

The preview text is what someone sees in their inbox as a preview of your email, after the subject line, and can help increase your open rate. Think of it as a secondary subject line.

Review email deliverability

After you send an email blast, you’ll be able to view deliverability insights at a customer level within your campaign. Simply click into the Recipients list from your Campaigns page to see the status of each email. If an email didn’t get delivered, you can always try again later. 

Pro tip: Understanding deliverability details helps you track which customers are reading your marketing emails. This also lets you know who may need a separate follow-up. If your emails aren’t getting through to a retailer, you can try reaching out to them in other ways — for example, you can use the Faire messenger, or add the retailer to your next direct mail campaign.

Start your targeted marketing today by clicking on Customers in your Faire portal navigation.

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