Faire Fashion Week is quickly approaching, taking place August 30 through September 3, 2021, and we’re excited to welcome our brands to our first preorder apparel event. To ensure we provide all the tools necessary to make the week a success for our brand community, we’ve compiled a list of four tips to maximize success at this year’s Faire Fashion Week.
Invite new customers to shop your line with Faire Direct
Exclusively for Faire Fashion Week, we’ve increased our Faire Direct credit to $500, affording brands the opportunity to offer new customers more to spend on their preorders at the event. With Faire Direct, new retailers who sign up to shop at Faire Fashion Week will also receive free shipping for a year—all at 0% commission.
To offer retailers $500 on your preorder line, use your unique Faire Direct link found within the Fashion Week page in your brand portal. You can easily share your link with your customers by sending a pre-built email campaign—just select Add New Customers, upload your leads list, customize your email, and press send.
Upload your products ahead of time
Our Faire Fashion Week A-Z brand directory is now live, and thousands of participating retailers are already browsing top brands offering their preorder lines. By uploading your products early, you’ll give retailers more time to discover your brand and see what you’re offering at the show to plan their buying.
To upload your products for Faire Fashion Week, follow these steps:
- Access our bulk uploader tool. This tool allows you to upload all your preorder products at once. For access, head to Products > Bulk Upload in your brand portal.
- Download a customizable spreadsheet. Decide whether you’d like to edit existing products or add new products, then download the corresponding spreadsheet. To do this, head to selecting Products > Bulk Upload, and follow step one.
- Upload your catalog. Once you’ve completed filling out your spreadsheet, you can upload the information to your catalog. Simply go to Products > Bulk Upload and select Start Upload.
Invite your existing customers by sending a pre-show email
Invite your existing retailers to Faire Fashion Week and they’ll enjoy Faire-funded discounts to help drive larger orders from your brand. During the event, retailers will receive 20% off orders of $1,000 and up on your brand! Invite your customers to join you at Faire Fashion Week and start planning their preorder buying by sending an email campaign using Faire’s CRM tools. Head to Faire Fashion Week in your brand portal, select ‘Schedule a pre-show email campaign’, and follow the prompts.
Schedule a showtime email campaign to drive event orders
In addition to a pre-show email, you can schedule an email to be sent on the first day of Faire Fashion Week, August 30, to invite your retailers to officially begin their ordering. Head to Faire Fashion Week in your brand portal and select ‘Set up your showtime email campaign’.
There’s still time to register for Faire Fashion Week! Registration is free—simply click here.